
Spot 30


Born: 12 July 1994 Herd No: 0347P0030

Otapawa Spot P30 is a great female.  She consistently breeds top calves, and consistently gets in calf first time. We have flushed her to D’artagnion with 11 out of 12 embryos holding.  Her flush calves are well marked with dark, soft coats and plenty of volume.

Dam of Otapawa Spark 3060 ET.  Semen for Sale

The Spot family ranks highly in our herd (top 10%).

Spot P30 and Spot R2 go back to the great dam Otapawa Spot, daughter of Titiokoura Spot 8 501P

Gent. Length Birth Weight Milk 200 D Growth 400 D Growth 600 D Growth Mat Weight Carcass Weight EMA Rib Fat Rump fat RBY
EBV -2.0 +3.4 +15 +29 +47 +71 +30 +42 +1.3 -0.1 -0.3 +0.6
% 74% 89% 83% 85% 83% 83% 74% 74% 57% 65% 65% 61%

Spot P30 ET Bull Calf by D'artagnion. (3050)

EBVs: 2009

Lot 1 in our 2005 Bull Sale.